We create solutions that move processes.
Speed, reliability, and saving are part of our identity.
Founded in 1992, HFORT is a company that was born from movement. We work to provide handling solutions to the most diverse production sectors, always focusing on strength, quality, and innovation.
Today, HFORT equipment is present in various parts of Brazil and the world, ensuring that handling processes are carried out with maximum efficiency, safety, and speed.
Our mission is to provide solutions that contribute to people’s prosperity and quality of life. Guided by solid values, we follow a path of constant evolution, without leaving tradition and experience behind. For a world on motion, no destination is a finish line.

30/12/92 - Start of operations at Mecânica Toninho, at Timbó (SC). Hydraulic maintenance focused on heavy machinery (press / forklift) and costumer service for industries in the area.

Lançamento do primeiro Guindaste Sucateiro 6700.

Creation of the forklifts

Start of our own factory with the creation of the first warehouse.

Lançamento do primeiro Guindaste Florestal 7700.

Nasce a primeira logomarca HFORT. O “H” de Hidraumáquinas e o “FORT” da força e resistência do equipamento.

Launch of our first set for river cleaning.

Creation of the LS Forestry and Waste line

Creation of forestry equipment: self-loader, carrier, and dragging set.

Revitalization of the HFORT logo. Sale of 12 machines to feed coal furnaces, in Alagoinhas/BA.

Sales boom in all Brazilian territory and Latin America.

Launch of the LI Line. Strong entry into the scrap market and increase in sales representatives.

Launch of the N Line. Start of MAS and tech support network.

Fundação da filial MAS, em Indaial/SC.

Lançamento do Guindaste 9000S.

Expansion of the industrial park, in Indaial (SC).

Vendas de equipamentos nos EUA.

Lançamento da Linha 6000PRO.